IELTS Preparation Practice
Vocabulary Practice

Macro Skills Practice

Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking… oh my!

Learning English takes a lot of patience, practice and hard work. In this section we will endeavour to provide interesting and engaging online practice, tips and suggestions for improving in all four skills.

General tip:

Even though each skill is quite different, they all support and interact with each other.

Learning one skill in isolation can be beneficial at times, however, a holistic approach to improving all four areas will always result in much better skill development. For example, we often get students at TIES who swear black and blue that their grammar is fine and they only need to work on their writing. However, when we start looking into their writing it becomes apparent that in fact it is their grammar which really needs work (as well as their writing). Try to see your English development as more than just one specific area for improvement and instead look at your overall English language development. – Communication is the key to improvement!

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